A Scottish Parliament ? The Scottish Home Rule Movement, Of
whose progress details of some interest were given in the last issue of the Spectator, has now called forth an an,swering move- ment, championed by Scotsmen who, to quote their......
The Cotton Peace Rejected The Delegate Meeting Of The Cotton
Spinners' Amalga- mation did their industry no good when they refused last Saturday to ratify the peace terms made by their leaders after many days of difficult negotiations.......
Men And Machines Sir Harold Bowden, In The Times Last
week, called attention to the influence of the machine in displacing manual labour and thus creating unemployment. Professor Sargant Florence at once pointed out that the......
Tariffs And Trade A Nation Launching Into The Uncharted Sea
of Protection, whether it be Protection by tariffs or Protection by quotas, may have something to learn from exPerience painfully garnered elsewhere. From that point of view an......
The Outlook In Ireland The Vote Of Censure To Be
moved by Mr. Cosgrave in the Irish Dail next week will result in plain speaking if it results in nothing else. It might quite well result in something else, namely, the fall of......
The Sunday Cinema The Proposal To Permit The Opening Of
cinemas at 3.30 on Sunday .afternoons instead of at 6 o'clock on Sunday evenings only concerns London at the moment, but what London does any other arcs can do if it chooses.......