Instruction In The Aims Of The League -
- [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR:1 is now nine years since Dame Edith Lyttelton pro. posed on behalf of the British Government and the Assembly of the League of Nations agreed......
"disarm The Politician First"
[To the Editor of the SericrAroa.1 Sta,—Why not one more international pact: a " Prevention of Politicians " pact ? The signatories of which wonld be pledged to deliver up to......
Sir Bernard Mallet
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Your readers will have read in their daily newspapers full accounts of Sir Bernard Mallet's official life as an admirable civil servant......
Major Yeats-brown In Russia • - • [to The-editor Of
the SPECTATORal SIR,—I have read with great interest Major Yeats-Browns articles on' Russia, which I had carefully preserved for me during my own absence from England on a......
Legal Phraseology
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—The letter from Mr. Alfred Fellows in your issue of October 29th is on a subject of vital importance to the British public as it deals......
A Clear Case For Economy.
• [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sui, 7 --May . I support Dr. S. E. White's contention that the proposed hostels, apart from lunaey "adniinistratiori,. would prove to be a......