[To the Editor of the SericrAroa.1 Sta,—Why not one more international pact: a " Prevention of Politicians " pact ? The signatories of which wonld be pledged to deliver up to the League any head of a Government who is judged by the League as guilty of the public utterance of sentiments inconsistent with the cause of peace and likely to foment a bellicose spirit amongst the people of his country. Such a politician would then be interned under the auspices of the League.
Certain supplementary clauses for the control of minor ministers would be necessary.
I fail to see that such a pact is any more impossible than the Kellogg pact. The threat of a prolonged holiday on a kind of international Ellis Island should have a ialutary effect on blustering leaders; and, I venture to surmise'that the people of those countries, where at present a warlike spirit is being assiduously cultivated, would be the first to welcome such a pact as giving them yet One more hope of peace and as a curb on forces that have passed beyond their control.—I am,
Sir, &c., R. A. DELAFONS. 14 Rue de rAreade, Paris, VIlleme,