The latest report of the Standard Motor Company is a .good one and, whereas in the previous year a substantial profit was absorbed in reducing a debit balance from 1927 and 1928, the latest report shows a record profit total of 1201,698 after providing for depreciation and for the cost of closing the Bombay and Calcutta depots. The directors, however, are pursuing a cautious policy, and merely recom- mend a dividend of 10 per cent, and a bonus of 5 per cent., although the profit earned represents over 65 per cent. on the capital. The directors now place 1100,CO3 to the General Reserve, thus replacing -stuns withdrawn in the bad times. while_ 240,000 is reserved for Taxation and 122,434 is carried forward after eliminating the residue of the debit balance brought forward of 14,514. The directors state that the term over for the year expanded by over 80 per cent.
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