Other People's Wings. By T. W. H. Crosland. (At the
Sign of the Unicorn. 6d.)-1 modest little volume this, welcome because it gives us a chance of reading, whether for the first or second time, some clever verses that have already had a deserved success. They are, it is true, unequal; and it is not every reader who will know all the originals who are here so smartly parodied. But we all know our Collins,—or is this too extravagant a suppo- sition Anyhow, we ought to know him, and accordingly be able to appreciate this " Ode on the Death of the Sunday Daily
"How sleeps the sheet that sinks to Mt In innocent babyhood—supprest Without a word, without a hint, Excepting these two lines of print :— ' Our paper, published hbretofore. Will not be published any more.'
By bishops' hands Its knell is rung, By Hugh Price Hughes its dirge is suns, There Harmsworth comes, a pilgrim gray,
To wipe th' unbidden tear away, And Rosebery shall oft repair To do some private smiling there."