The Enormous Financial Obligations Involved In The...
Old-Age Pensions Committee have at once been seized upon by the Protectionists—as we fele-mire they would and it has been suggested by a writer in the Daily Telegraph that the......
On Monday The Two Archbishops Gave Their Decision As To
the lawfulness of the liturgical use of incense and of processional lights. Incense, they decide, must not be used liturgically or as part of public worship, though the......
The Naval Manoeuvres Have Resulted In The Victory Of The
B Squadron,—the squadron which, in effect, represented the United Kingdom. The B Squadron went out to meet a Convoy of food ships in the Atlantic, met it, and brought it home in......
We Record With Very Great Satisfaction The Announce- Ment...
Sir Julian Pauncefote is to be raised to the Peerage. Though the apparent occasion is the end of the Peace Conference, the services chiefly recognised are undoubtedly thoSe......
An Amazing Romance Of High Life Has Just Been Terminated
in the Assiie Courts at Venice by the condemnation of a Duchess to twenty-five months' imprisonment for forgery. It appears, from the narrative given in Wednesday's Daily Mail,......
This Government Certainly Has Financial E..mrage. In A...
July 25th, and published on the 28th of the same month, Lord George Hamilton informs the Government of India that the Report of the Currency Committee is accepted by the......
It Will Probably Be Some Years Before The United States,
having pacified and absorbed Cuba, proceed to pacify and absorb St. Domingo. They are pretty sure to do it in the en& for the island is full at once of riches and disorder,......
The Decision Ends With A Most Earnest And Dignified Appeal
to the cldrgy in regard to the duty of submission to episcopal authority in the matters dealt with. All clergymen con- sented to the Book of Common Prayer, and the Book of......
Bank Rate, 3-1 Per Cent. New Consols (2) Were On
Friday 1051.......