A Story Of Von Moltke.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE `SPECTA,TOR.7] SIR,—Under the heading I have quoted "A, B." tells in the Spectator of July 29th a veritable "story," which I undertake to nail at once as a......
Waterton's Nondescript Ape.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Advertitig to the letter on this subject in the Spectator of July 29th, I believe I can give you some trustworthy information. When a.......
Gersoppa V. Niagara. [to The Editor Of The "spectator. "]...
reference to your footnote in reply to "A. B.'s " letter, permit me to suggest there is a slight misunderstand- ing. The falls on the Godavary cannot by any stretch of the......
The Naturalist On The Thames.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—Your interesting article, " The Naturalist on the Thames," in the Spectator of July 29th, perhaps gives too much credit to the clause......
Canon Knox Little On South Africa. [to The Editor Of
THE `;SPECTATOR."] SIR,—The Spectator is generally credited with a desire for judicial fairness. To that desire I venture to appeal in asking leave to say a word of protest,......
The Falls Of The Goda.very. [to The Editor Of...
SIR,—The somewhat vague picturesqueness of Sir William Hunter's description of the Godavery gorge, quoted in your note to "A Story of Von Moltke," has misled you. There are no "......