The Transvaal Crisis. By Sir Henry Meysey-thomson, Bart....
Low, Marston, and Co. 6d.)—This is a fair- minded pamphlet, and, though it contains no new facts, brings out clearly the essential conditions of the problem. Its character will......
A Manual Of Essay - Writing. By J. H. Fowler, M.a. (a.
and C. Black. 2s. 6d.)—With the proviso that a boy or girl must have something in head and heart to write an essay at all, this book should do its work well. It contains some......
Contemporary Spain As Shown By Her Novelists. A...
Mary Wright Plummer. With an Introduction by Edward E. Hale, D.D. (Truelove, Hanson, and Combes).—This is a very naive piece of bookmaking. Miss Plummer explains that having......
Other People's Wings. By T. W. H. Crosland. (at The
Sign of the Unicorn. 6d.)-1 modest little volume this, welcome because it gives us a chance of reading, whether for the first or second time, some clever verses that have......
Some Books Of The Week.
(Under this heading we notice such Books of the week as have not been reserved for review in other forms.] America in the East. By William Elliot Griffis. (J. Clarke and......
Current Literature.
THE MINOR MAGAZINES. The August number of Macmillan's Magazine is rather disap- pointing. The general articles are distinctly below the very high average of the magazine. The......
Common Sense In Education. By P. A. Barnett. (longmans And
Co. 6s.)—It is unusual to find a book upon teaching that can be read without considerable effort, so seriously do its pro- fessors take themselves. Mr. Barnett has the grace of......