A System of Medicine. By Many Writers. Edited by F.
Clifford Allbntt. (Macmillan and Co. Vol. VII. 25s. net.)—This is the seventh volume, and contains a continuation of " Diseases of the Nervous System," among them being various forms of paralysis, paraplegia, ataxia, aphasia, &c. This great work is to be completed in another volume.—We have to note the appear- ance of the first volume of Encyclopedia Mediea, under the general editorship of Chalmers Watson, M.B. (W. Green and Sons, Edin- burgh, 20s.) It contains articles " Abdomen—Bone." We cannot criticise works of this kind minutely. One detail, however, we may venture to notice, as it is a matter of nearly universal experience. Dr. Patteson, writing on " Boils and Carbuncles," considers yeast to be absolutely worthless. Some high authorities are quite the other way, and not a few sufferers are ready to testify to the benefit of the remedy.