The Emperor NICHOLAS hag been slightly indisposed of late, and
speculations of various sorts have been reared on the probable conse- quences of his demise in the present political condition of Europe. We are not assured that there is any great risk of his dying just at this moment ; nor do we see that any social principle would be much af- fected by his death. The Autocrat has, no doubt, been making him-. self rather formidable of late by his conquests ; but even by his suc- cesses he has given an impulse to the principles of freedom. Nionoaas has secured the independence of Greece, and destroyed the Turkish despotism—few patriots have ever done more for the welfare of the world.
There has been some skirmishing between the Russian and Turkish troops in Asia, where the news of the signature of the preliminaries of peacehad not penetrated three weeks after that event had taken place. But all is now quiet.