KEAN played Richard the Third, on Wednesday night, at the house that "first fostered his talent," as well and with as much vigour as he has displayed for years past. We are not......
Genteel Comedy At Drury Lane.
THE upperranks of society have of late years furnished many contri- butors to letters, and Lord GLENGALL has just added another volun- teer to thenumber, by producing a comedy.......
Debut Of The Elephant At The Adelpi-h.
A NEW melodrama, called the Elephant of Siam and the Fire Fiend, was produced at the Adelphi on Thursday ; the principal characters of which were personated by the young female......
Covent Garden And Chancery.
"How are we ruined ? How are we ruined I" OtrIONUNc. CAN we wonder that theatres are ruined, when ,their Managers run to the Court of Chancery for the settlement of disputes, as......