The Duke Of Sussex Has Been Ill For Some Time
at Colonel Hughes's seat, Kim- mel Park, Denbighshire, but is now nearly convalescent. • • The Duke of Wellington and the Earl of Aberdeen arrived in town ea Wed- nesday......
Mr. Western Has Addressed A Very Long Letter On The
state of the country to the Freeholders of the County of Essex. He ascribes all our distresses to the late change in the currency, and, like other po- litical advisers,......
The Editors Of The Courrier Francais And The Journal Du
Commerce have been fined 500 francs each, and sentenced to a month's imprisonment, for having ex- pressed their approbation of the association formed in Brittany to resist the......
The Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANGE, SATURDAY MORNING. — At the date of OUT last report a belief prevailed in the City that the Government had in contemplation some financial measures calculated to......