STOCK EXCHANGE, SATURDAY MORNING.—At the date of OUT last report a belief prevailed in the City that the Government had in contemplation some financial measures calculated to produce a rise in the Funds. Nothing has since transpired on this subject, but the impression remains that something of importance to the fundholder is about to take place ; and Consols have remained firm during the week, the fluctuations having been, except on one or two occasions, much lighter than could fairly have been expected. Con- sols, which on Saturday closed at 94/1 for Money, and 941;1 for the Account, opened on Monday at 94 for Money and 941 for the Account; and after a slight fall rallied, and closed at + per cent higher than the opening prices. On Tuesday, in consequence of some pretty extensive sales in realiza- tion, they fell per cent ; but on the following day, they returned to the closing prices of Monday, with the Market a shade better—on Thurs- day Consols for Money were shut at 94+. The bargains for the January Account were 94i L Considerable excitement prevailed in the Money Market during the day on account of a meeting of the Bank Directors, at which it was supposed that some important measures were discussing. The result of the meeting did not transpire until late in the afternoon; when it was announced that the Directors had come to a resolution 1st, to lend money for a limited period—from the 5th of December to the 15th of January—upon Exchequer Bills, India Bonds, India Bills, and approved Bills of Exchange, at 3 per cent per annum ; the loans being for not less than ten days, nor for a smaller sum than 20001; the accommodation to be open not only to per- sons having accounts in the Bank, but also to the public generally : 2dly, to make advances on gold bullion at the rate of 2 per cent, only, for periods not shorter than ten days, but without any limit as to the duration of the loan. From the state of the Market yesterday, it was evident that this resolution had produced considerable effect : Consols rose to 95+ for the January Ac- count, with every indication of a further rise ; and among the buyers were some of the large jobbers, who have the reputation generally of being correct in their views. In the course of the day, they receded to 94i, but closed at 95. India Bonds were done at 69, and Exchequer Bills at 69 70.
In the Foreign Market there is not much variation. Brazilian Bonds closed yesterday at 6714; Buenos Ayres 6 per Cents. 27; Danish, 741 ; New
5 per Cents 109+; Ex. 25 70; Greek, 28+; Mexican 6 per Cents, 251; Rus-
sian, 1091; Spanish, 101 This Stock has fallen a little, in consequence of a public meeting of the Bondholders on Wednesday, at which it was an- nounced by a committee which had been appointed to negotiate with the Spanish Government for the recognition of the loans, that nothing satisfactory - Zed. transpired.
:fLeleer.oce.—Consols opened at 95 for the Account, and were buyers for most 95i ; but the Market afterwards gave way to 9,1i; it is now, how- A mail is arrived from Mexico,—the Stock of that State rose to 261 but has since fallen to 25. There has been a great deal doing in Shares at higher prices, but with some fluctuation. BRITISH FUNDS. Bank Stock, 217 8 3 per Cent. Reduced, 93 * * per Cent. Consols, 31 per Cent. 1818, 99 31 Per Cent. Reduced, 1001 New 4 per Cents. 1822, 1031 4 per Cents. 1826, 105 J 6 Long Annuities, (which expire 5th Jan. 1860) India Stock, div. 10,1 per Cent. 228 9 South Sea Stock, div. 3e per Cent. India Bonds, (4 per Cent. until March, 1829, thereafter3 per Cent.) 63 70 Exchequer Bills, (interest lid. per cent. per diem,) 69 70 Consols rot Account 95 FOREIGN FUNDS. Austrian Bonds, 5 per cent. Brazilian Bonds 5 per cent. 67 * Buenos Ayres, Bonds, Cent. 27 28 Mien, 6 per Cent. 27 29 Colombian, Ditto, 1824, 6 per Cent. 21 2:1 Danish, 3 per Cent. 741 French 5 per Cents. 109i Ditto S per Cents. 84t 5 Greek 5 per Cent. 27 Mexican, 6 per Cent. 28 Neapolitan,5 per Cent. Peruvian, 6 per Cent. 1st Portuguese, 5 per Cent. SD Prussian, Russian, 109i Spanish, 101 SHARES. Anglo-Mexican, 24/. . Brazilian, Imperial, 091. 701. Real del Monte, 704 Bolanos, 365/. 375/. Colombian, 41. 10S. Cl, United Mexican, 15/. EartATA.—There were some typographical inaccuracies in the last week's accoula of the Money Market, which should be thus corrected. For" commercial operations," read " commercial speculations .;" for " profit on commission," read "profit on coneekion;" and where it is stated, in the one o'clock account, that" Consols are at 9.1i for Money, after having been done at 93 k,"—read" after having been done at 94