5 DECEMBER 1829, page 14
From The London Gazettes.
Tuesday, Dec. 1. INSOLVENT.—Nov. 30, T. BISHWORTII, Keighley, worsted-spinner. BANKRUPTCY ENLARGE D.—T. HARRISON, Shelfield, Walsall, miller, from Dec. Ito Jan. 19. BANKRUPTCY......
Hunting Appointments.
Lord Petre's Fox Hounds will meet on Monday, Dec. 7, at Stock; Thursday, 10, at Purleigh ; and Saturday, 12, at Acton House—at half-past ten.. The East Kent Hounds will meet on......
London Markets.
CORN EXCHANGE, FRIDAY, Dire. 4. The arrivals of all Grain this week are very limited ; the trade, nevertheless, icon the whole dull at Monday's prices, with the exceptions of......