We have received, and paid the Edinburgh postage for, the following edict. "Charles Maclaren, Editor of Scotsman, desires that the Spectator Newspaper is no longer sent to his address. Scotsman Office, Edin. 27 Nov. 1829." Whether this be a parody on the imperial style of Mr. Charles Maclaren, we have no means of know- ing ; but we beg to state, that the mandate in question should have been addressed to the Newsman who supplies the Scotsman with the Spectator. It is not fur- nished from the Spectator Office ; and we rather fear, that, despite Mr. Charles Maclaren's 'prohibition, the Spectator may be forced upon hint for another week.. "A Solitaire" is requested to bear with us when we inform him that we have been un- lucky enough to mislay his former letter. We felt his communication to be a deeply Interesting one—but it was rather too long. If he will have the goodness to restate, In a briefer form, the facts which his letter contained, we shall have great pleasure In giving (Item insertion.