OXFORD, December 1.—On Monday last, the degree of Doctor in Divinity, by diploma, was conferred on the Hon. and Right Rev. R. Bagot, some time of Christ Church, and late Fellow of All Souls, now Bishop of Oxford.—Last week, P. B. Duncan, Esq. M.A. Fellow of New College, was appointed by the Curators of the Ashmole, to the Keeper- ship of that museum, vacant by the resignation of his brother J. S. Duncan, Esq. December 3.—This day the following degrees were conferred. Bachelor in Civil Law by Commutation—W. Morgan, Esq. Fellow of Magdalen. Masters of Arts—Rev. J. Machell, Brazennose ; C. Wray, Brazennose. Bachelors of Arts—N. Bond, Odd, Grand Compounder ; W. Inanity, Queen's ; It. R. T. M'Pherson, Queen's ; J. D. Lloyd, Queen's; J. Hussey, Balliol ; B. Blissett, Balliol; H. Dean, Exeter ; W. Hunt, W ad- ham ; A. Mangles, Postmaster of Merton ; H. Hughes, Trinity—On this day also Mr. J. E. Sewell was admitted actual Fellow of New College.
CAMBRIDGE, December 4.—Pitt Scholarship.—An examination of candidates for the scholarship upon this foundation, lately held by B. H. Kennedy, B.A. of St. John's Col- lege, will commence on Monday, 25th January 1830.—On Saturday last the Rev. T. Kidd, M.A. of Trinity College, was elected head master of Norwich Crammar.schooi, on the resignation of the Rev. E. Valpy.