A PROSPECTUS for the revival and enlargement of Hungerford Market has been sent to us. We were not aware, when we first projected a Club for Cheapening Provisions, that so important facilities for its establishment were already planned. The situation of the old market of Hungerford is extremely desirable in every point of view. It lies close to the river, and consequently to all river-borne produce ; it has every advantage of drainage ; and it is nearly in the centre of the most densely peopled portion of Westminster. The purchase will be easy ; the estate is the property of one individual, and almost all the tenants are yearly. There is no needy batch of small proprietors to deal with —no overwhelming demands of compensation to satisfy. The whole cost is estimated at only 210,0001.; which is proposed to be raised in shares of 1001. each. We have seldom seen a plainer and more satis- factory document than the prospectus in question, nor one that bids fairer to succeed. The Provisional Committee, at the head of which is the name of the Earl of CLARENDON, is most respectable; and the three trustees, Mr. AGAR ELLIS, Mr. BARING, and Mr. COURTNAY, the Clerk of Parliament, are sufficient to stamp credit on any plan, mach more on one so promising as this.