Allen (a.), The Beckoning Hand, or 8vo (Matto & Winded) 6/0 Bain (A.), On Teaching English, or 8vo (Longman) 2/6
Bartholomew (I.), Gazetteer of the British Isles, 8vo (A. & 0. Black) 36/0
Brodie (E. H.), Lyrim of the Sea, 12mo (Bell) 50 Buchanan (ft.), A Look Round Literature, or 8vo (Ward & Downey) 6,0
Coleman (J.). Rival Queens, 3 vols. or 8ro (Remington) 31/6
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De la. Voye (M. G.), French Dictionary. lame (Roulledge 2/6
Dell110 (J. D.), Canon Lucifer, or 8vo (Gilbert & Rirington) 6,0 Da Boiegobey (F.), Red Band, 12mo (J. & R. Maxwell) 2/0
Elphinstone (M.), Rise of the British Power in the East, 8vo (Murray) 16/0
Freeman (E. A.), Historic Towns: Exeter, 12mo (Longman.) 3/6 Gainsford (W. D.), Winter's Oreille in the Mediterranean (Sonnenethein) 6/0
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Geiger (W.), Civilisation of the Earl.. Iranians In Ancient Times (Frowde) 12/0
Hall (H. S.), Eadid's Element., Part L, 12mo (Macmillan) 2/0
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Milton (J.), Poems, 2 vole. Mao. parchment (C. K. Pant) 1,0
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