Waiting For The Prince. By Lady Constance Howard. 3 Vole.
(F. V. White.)—The plot of this novel may be briefly put in this way, —the hero is married by a bad woman, and afterwards marries a good one. In the meanwhile, till the bad wife......
The Magazines.
Tax Fortnightly continues, at perhaps rather too great a length, the papers on European politics, popularly attributed to Sir Charles Dilke. The writer, whoever he is, this time......
Current Literature.
Food-Grains of India. By A. H. Church. (Chapman and Hall.)— Professor Church commences with an account of the necessary qualifications of food, and explains the meaning of the......
Mountaineering Below The Snow-line. By 1j. Paterson....
from which Mr. Paterson draws his description of mountaineering—mountaineering, as he is careful to explain, of the humbler sort—are four; Snowdonia, the peaks and passes near......
The Officer's Pocket-book (gale And Polden) Is Another...
teenth) volume of "Gale and Polden's Military Series." It is corn. piled by William Gordon, Quartermaster in the 2nd Battalion, Gordon Highlanders, and is intended to contain......