The Literary Manual. By Percy Russell. (london Literary...
reviewer looks with little favour on "A Complete Guide to Authorship." Still, Mr. Russell gives some good advice, and if he can help young writers to learn their trade—young......
Palmistry Ie A Subject On Which Even An Omniscient Reviewer
cannot be expected to know very mach. Accordingly, we can do little more than chronicle the appearance of a good-looking volume, The Science of the Hand, translated from the......
The Rotifers; Or, Wheel Animalcules. By C. T. Hudson, Ll.d.,
and P. H. Goese, F.R.S. (Lougmans and Co.)—This is the last of the six volumes, and thus completes the series on the rotifers. The illustration leave nothing to be desired. The......
Aphrodite. By Ernst Eckstein. Translated By Mary J....
S. Gottsberger.)—We cannot say that either the original or the translation of this book is a work of high artistic merit. The story is a prose amplification of the story of......
The Willow Garth. By William M. Hardinge. 2 Vole. (bentley
and Bon.)—A tragical story, this, of the love between Waldine de Stair, a lady of high degree, and John Lyne, a bailiff's son. Its great fault is a want of clearness. There are......
God Speaking In Nature. By The Rev. Arthur H. Powell,
M.A. (T. Vickers Wood.)—We welcome this little volume, not exactly as a new departure, but as a novel and valuable contribution to a kind of literature now happily coming into......