On Tuesday, Lord G. Hamilton Entered Into The Financial...
of Lord Randolph Churelill. He pointed out that all the pressure exerted in Van House on the discussion of the Naval Estimates is pressure to increase the expelditure. Nine out......
Of The Liberal Conference, Lord Hartington Spoke Respect-...
not hopefully. It was his own duty, he said, not to go into negotiations of that kind at all, but to retain his liberty, and watch the situation on behalf of the nation. He did......
Lord Hartington, At Newcastle On Wednesday, Made One Of...
speeches which mark rather the sagacious and resolute statesman than the eloquent orator,—which register force and purpose, not persuasiveness or passion. He was not sorry, he......
Wednesday's And Thursday's Debates Were Dreary Enough,...
regards Mr. Winterbotham's speech, do not deserve notice. Mr. Winterbotham, a Liberal Unionist, and M.P. for the Cirencester Division of Gloucestershire, made a speech, however,......
Later In The Evening, Mr. Graham, M.p. For North-west...
made his maiden speech, in the character of a new Parliamentary hamourist of a very ambitions kind. The jokes do not appear to us very good, though they were certainly......
The Same Evening, Mr. Chaplin Made A Spirited Attack On
Lord Randolph Churchill, showing that it was not, even on Lord Randolph's own showing, the Dartford speech which initiated for the Conservative Party the policy of progressive......
Mr. Chamlrlain Made Another Long Speech On Saturday, This...
to his own constituents. It was specially noteworthy for two points. He declares in the strongest way that he actually has a plan for the settlement of the Irish agrarian......
Talking Of Mr. Goschen, We Perceive With Regret The Kind
of support given to Sr Wilfrid Lawson's somewhat malicious attempt to delay his return for the division of St. George's, Hanover Square. On the ground that a longer notice than......