The English Funds continue to show undiminished buoyancy, with ap- parently few disturbing causes to arrest their upward course. The public, assisted by the abundance of money, purchase largely ; and the operators generally are anticipating a further reduction in the Bank rate of discount. The market presents its usual character after a long period of agitation, when a return of confidence causes the tide for speculation and investment to flow freely. With little interruption, the Funds have improved 1. Consols have reached 96; an altitude expressive of public opinion, and frequently in the past history of the Funds the guarantee of higher prices. Today a few sales to realize have caused them to decline 1. Consols for Account leave drat 95 f. Consol Scrip has improved this week 1 per cent. Bank Stock is 1, Exchequer Bills are 6s. better. In the discount-market there is a good supply of money at 4 per cent. At the Bank business is limited, pending a further movement in the rate of discount. Attention has been drawn to the large number of new schemes introduced on the Stock Exchange since the commencement of the year ; and with the influx of bullion new ones will doubtless arise to an unlimited ex- tent. The continual outlay of capital will cause its effect on the Money- market to be closely watched. The experience of the past points to the danger of too sudden a reaction when the fever of speculation is at its height.
The monthly settlement on the Paris Bourse caused a fall of 1 per cent in Rentes : they afterwards rallied / through numerous purchases on orders from this side, causing relief in the arrangement of the Account, and ren- dering the rate of continuation comparatively easy. These purchases have caused great heaviness in the French rate of exchange ; but as they have now been paid for, it is considered that the decline will be only temporary. The gold and specie arrivals have comprised 180,0001. from New York, and 427,0001. from the West Indies. The shipments of specie for India and China by the Euxhie were very considerable, namely, 810,3221.: of this BUM 767;7971. was silver. Large purchases of silver for India and China continue to be made on the Continent, for which gold is transmitted in pay- ment.
In Foreign Stocks there has been great activity, and the operators show little inclination to realize : in some eases a considerable improvement has occurred. In Buenos Ayres it has been 6; Peruvian 3 ; Russian Five per Cents, 2; Ditto Four-and-a-half per Cents, 1} ;Brazilian, Chilian, Da- nish Five per Cents, Portuguese, and Venezuela, 1; Spanish Three per Cents, / ; Austrian, ; Dutch and Turkish Four per Cents, 1.; Turkish Six per Cents have fallen 1.
The rise in Consols has caused numerous inquiries for Railway Stocks, and a further important advance has taken place in some instances. Today they are rather lower, but an improvement is still shown in the following lines compared with last week-Scottish Central, 61. ; East Lancashire, and
Edinburgh and Glasgow, 3/. ; London and North-Western, 21. 15s. don, Brighton, Brighton, and South Coast, 2/. ; Bristol and Exeter, 11.; North-
Eastern-York, 10s. ; North-Eastern-Berwick, and Midland, have declined 108. In Foreign Shares the rise has been-Paris and Lyons, 11. 15s. ; Western and North-Western of France, 1/. 10s. ; Paris and Orleans, 1/. ; Eastern of France, 15s.; East Indian, and Northern of France, 108.; Great Central of France, 5s.
The English Funds have declined k this morning ; Consols for Account
are 951 Exchequer Bills 18 21 premium. There is another favourable
return of bullion by the Bank of England ; the increase is 665,7931. In Foreign Stocks, Turkish is flat, owing to an impression that a new Five per Cent Loan will be announced at theo price of 85. The Six pea Cents are now 1031 41, and the Four per Cents 1 61. Railwa_ys are rather dull- Great Southern and Western (Ireland), 1 1 ; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 110- London and South-Western, 107k; Midland, 841; North British, 39k; South Wales, 80. . SATURDAY, ONE o'Crocir. The English Funds have recovered from the depression of this morning ; Consols for Account are now 9.4 I. Exchequer Bills 17 20 premium. In Foreign Stocks, Turkish Securities have been lower, but have since rallied ; the bargains in the Six per Cents have been at 1031 2 3k ; in the Four per Cents, at 1051 Q. Railways are slightly-better-Bristol and Exeter, 96; Eastern Counties, 10i ; Edinburgh and Glasgow, 63k; Great Northern, 944; Great Southern and Western (Ireland), 109'; ' Great Western, 63; Lancashire and York- shire, 9n; London and Blackwell, 7j; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 1094; London and North-Western, 1091-; London andSouth-West- ern 107 ; Midland, 831 ; North British, 381 ; North-Eastern-Berwick, 871"; Ditto York, 64; North London, 95; South-Eastern; 75i ; Geelong and Melbourne, Guaranteed 5 per Cent, 26; Grand Trunk of Ca- nada, A Issue, 15; Great Indian Peninsula, 221 ; Great Western of Canada,. 26k; Northern of France, 451. Mine-United Mexican, 31. Joint Stock Banks-Bank of Egypt, 13f ; London Chartered Bank of A.ustralik 211 ; London andWestmmster, 50; Ottoman Bank, 131. Miscellaneory-stal Palace Preference, 51 ; Electric Telegraph, 94; General Steam Navigation, 274; General Screw Steam Shipping Company, 144; Peel River Laud and Mineral, 31.
3 per Cent Consols
shut i Dutch 24 per Cents
Ditto 4 per Cents 64 6exd. Ditto for Account 954 95 7 9 per Cent Reduced 95 Mexican 3 per Cents 221 81
New 3 per Cents 961 1 Penman 44 per Cents 81 3 Long Annuities 31 Ditto 3 per Cents 57 9
Bank Stock 217 19 Portuguese 4 per Cents 49 51 ex d. Exchequer Bills 17 20 pm. Russian 5 per Cents 111 13
India Stock shut Ditto 41 per Cents 98100 ax d.
Austrian 5 per Cents 87 90 ex d. Spanish 3 per Cents 461 7 .
Brazilian 5 per Cents 101 3 Ditto Deferred 241 5 Belgian 44 per Cents 95 7 Sardinian 5 per Cents 91 8
Chilian 6 per Cents 104 6 Swedish 4 per Cents 85 8,.
Danish 5 per Cents 103 5 Turkish 6 per Cents 1081_4 . .
Danish 3 pe Cents 835 Ditto 4 per Cents Guaranteed 195k I ,.
The London Chartered Bank of Australia seems rapidly to have recovered from its losses. The profits for the half-year ending December last not only enabled the Directors to wipe off the 77431. balance of loss from tha preceding half-year, but also to propose a dividend of 11 per cent, leaving a surplus of 2853/. ; and when the meeting of proprietors was held, on the 27th of last month, by unanimous consent the dividend was increased to 2 percent; 46001. more of profit, from the purchase of gold, having accrued in the December half-year, though not reeeived in time to be placed in the accounts. The bank has recovered with the commercial recovery of Victoria and the increased gold-production.
The London and Paris Bank has received its charter of incorporation.
An application has been made to the Privy Council for a substituted charter to effect an amalgamation of the Chartered Bank of Asia and the Mercantile Bank of India.
At the meeting of the Crystal Palace Company, on Monday, a dividend of 2s. per share was declared, payable on or before the 1st October. The amount of capital to be raised to complete the undertaking is 90,375/. ; making the total cost 1,328,0001. The Directors are hopeful in their views of the future.
The London Dock Company have declared a dividend at the rate of 5 per cent per annum.
A number of new projects have been announced this week, indicating the ease of the money-market under the influence of peace.
The Thames Steam-Tug and Lighterage Company-capital 200,000?.- propose to apply steam power to the carrying on of goods traffic on the river, either by conveying merchandise in small steamers or using them to tow barges. The scheme seems to be a very good one, and it is to be cautiously carried out.
The Indian Mercantile Agency-capital 1,000,000L-is to be established for the purpose of making advances on goods and raw produce, and for open- ing agencies in the ports and cities of India.
CRYSTAL Peen.-Return of admissions for six days ending Friday July 4, including season-ticket-holders, 58,761.