We have /town to anticipate that the general wish regarding the entry of the Guards will be complied with, and that those troops will march from the Waterloo Station to......
SATURDAY, The House of Lords went into Committee hut night on the University of Cambridge Bill, and effected two "amendments" in that measure. On clause 31, providing that the......
The Earl Of Shelburne Has Accepted The Chiltern Hundreds ;
and the morning journals announce that he has been appointed Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, and raised to the Peerage by his present title. He is to be succeeded......
Bank Of England. An Account, Pursuant To The Act 7th
and 8th Victoria, cap. 32, for the week ending an Saturday, the 28th day of June 1838. LOW. DEPART/4/NT. Notes issued /46,903,970 Government Debt £11,015,100 Other Securities......