5 JULY 1856, page 31

Railway Shareholders.

A Parliamentary return just issued enables us to arrive at an approxi- mate estimate of the number of persons interested as proprietors of Railways in the United Kingdom. The......


During_ forty-one years from 1816 to 1855, there emigrated from the United Kingdom no fewer than four million two hundred and ninety- three thousand seven hundred and sixty-five......


TRADE AND NAVIGATION ACCOUNTS FOR THE MONTII AND FIVE MONTHS ENDED 31ST Month ended May 31, Excorre. 1856. 1856. Declared value of British A: E. AT 1856 AND 1855. Five Months......

The Return Of The Guards. July 1856.

Two years—an age of glory and of pain!— Since we with blessings and with shouts and tears, And with high hopes, pursued your parting train With everything but fears. Too lightly......

Marriages, Births, And Deaths.

The Seventeenth Annual Report of the Registrar-General for England has just been issued. It treats of the marriages, births, and deaths in 1854. The total of Marriages was......