" La Bourse."
'IKE special letter of compliments addressed by the Emperor Na- poleon from his palace at St. Cloud to M. Ponsard, the author of a serious comedy, La Bourse, recently produced......
Rettro Tu T#t
PUNISHMENT AND REFORMATION—FRENCH AND ENGLISH SYSTEMS. Heath Hence , .Stapleton, Bristol, 30th Tune 1856. Sm—The calamity which has aftnted France by the overflow of her great......
The Rhone Floods.
1 Adam Street, Adelphi, 30th June 1856. Sin—Your correspondent "X." doubts my hypothesis as to the source of the Rhone floods being the too rapidly thawing snows. Will he assign......
Traitt. .
FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE, 317LT 1. Partnerakips Dissolved.—Rider and Co. Pernambuco, merchants—Ryder and Tetley. Liverpool, and Ryder and Co. Bahia, merchants—Lee and Medland,......
On the 14th May, at Jackatalla, Madras Presidency, the Wife of Lieutenant- Colonel Douglas Patten, of the Seventy-fourth Highlanders, of a daughter. On the 26th June, in......
• FROM THE LONDON tal — z -- Elva, - tiffs 4. ADIHRALTE, June 23.—Corps of Loyal Marines—Gentlemen Cadets_ to be Second Lieutenants—G.M. Vivian, C. E. Servanto, E. O'D. Powell,......