The Seventeenth Annual Report of the Registrar-General for England has just been issued. It treats of the marriages, births, and deaths in 1854. The total of Marriages was 159,727. Of these, 134,109 were "according to the rites of the Established Church," of which 3811 were on the Superintendent Registrar's certificate. Marriages not according to the rites of the Established Church were 25,618-namely, Roman Catholics, 7813; other Christian Denominations, 9873; at Superintendent Registrar's office 7593; Quakers, 52; Jews, 287. One "man" mar- ried under sixteen years of age and twenty-eight " women" ; the largest numbers married between twenty and twenty-five years; the four oldest women who married were above seventy-five years, but thirty-nine men were above seventy-five, nine of them above eighty. Two • spinsters" were *above seventy when they married, one "bachelor" was above seventy-five.
The Births in 1854 were 634,405-324,069 males, 310,336 females. The largest number was in the quarter ending June; the March quarter came next, September third, December last. Of these births no fewer than 40,735 were illegitimate children. The Deaths were 437,916-222,422 males, 215,494 females. The Sep- tember quarter was the most fatal ; March next, then December; the June quarter was least fatal ; June carried off some seven thousand fewer victims than December, March two thousand more than December, and September another two thousand in excess.