5 JULY 1856, Page 19

traitt. .


Partnerakips Dissolved.—Rider and Co. Pernambuco, merchants—Ryder and Tetley. Liverpool, and Ryder and Co. Bahia, merchants—Lee and Medland, Teign- mouth, linen-drapers—Hanslip and Conworth, Hatton Garden, attorneys—Abbott and Son, Bow, brewers—Tegg and Co. Queen Street, City, booksellers ; as far as regards F. Tegg—White and Green, Sheffield, millMers—Hodgetts and Smith, Exeter, saddletree-makers—Mascall and Mills, Southampton, drapers—Oanvardine and Co. Bristol, soap-manufacturers--J., W.. H., and F. Browning, St. John Street, oil-merchants; as far as regards F. Browning—W. and S. Osbiston, Fakenham and Great Ryburgh, Norfolk, corn-merchants—Montgomery and Co.—Ducher and Artault, Gerrard Street,Soho—J. and W. Hooton, Cannon Street, merchants—Shaw and Sons, Wolverhampton, and Thompson and Co. Calcutta, hardware-merchants ; as far as regards J. Shaw—Leach and Astin, Bradford, Yorkshire, dyers—Brown and Rinunington, Nottingham, drapers—B.. and R. Penson, Tidmington, Worcester- shire, farmers—Kensit, Brothers, George Street, 8horeditch, walking-stick-manu- facturers—Smith and Burrs, Leeds, linen-drapers—Teplis and Son, St. Paul's Churchyard, auctioneers—J. and J. Bacon, Dover, jewellers—The Permanent Way and Greave's Patent Sleeper Company, Manchester ; as far as regards J. Adshead- Bentley and Co. Cheapside, warehousemen—J., T., and J. Bacon jun. Ilorsleydown, tanners; as far as regards J. Bacon jun.—Oxenharn and Sons, auctioneers ; as far as regards S. Ciente:urn—Brown and Co. East Street, Walworth Road, manufac- turers of compressed leather—Marquis and Co. Liverpool, brokers—Witherby and Hanson, Mincing Lane, fruit-brokers. Bankruptcy Annulled.--ROBERT EAR:BELL, Etham Place, Dover Road, draper. Bankrupts.—Luman. BROCKLZHANX, Willesden, naphtha-manufacturer, to sur- render, July 10, August 14: solicitors, Linklaters and liackwood, Sise Lane ; official assignee, Johnson, Basinghall Street. THEODORE DIEDRICH Wn.asim firm, Finsbury Square, and Wilson Street, hotel-keeper, July 14, August 18: solicitors, King and George, King Street, Cheapside; official assignee, Nicholson, Bwringhall Street. Romer HUDSON, Southampton Street, Strand, ship-broker, July 14, August 11: solicitors, Norton and Co. New Street, Bishopsgate ; official assignee, Nicholson, Basinghall Street.

Ions Ilitvrrrr jun. Helvergate, Norfolk, miller, July 11, August 15: solicitors, Lawrence and Co. Old Jewry Chambers ; official assignee, Cannan, Aldermanbury.

HENRY Atroceres HOPE, West Street, Smithfield, and Oxford Read, Islington, hay-salesman, July 8, Aug. 6: solicitor, Wood, Bow Lane, Cannon Street West; official assignee, Stanfield. EDWARD TM:WOE, Holt, Norfolk, stationer, July 16, Aug. 12: solicitor, Goddard, King Street, Cbeapside ; official assignee, Graham. fissursa. NEIMAN, Lee, Kent, bed , July 9, Aug. : solicitors, Linklaterrand Hackwood, Size Lane ; official assignee, Graham. Isaac THOMAS Roomm, New Oxford Street, importer of American clocks, July 12, Aug. 12: solicitor, Daniel, Albion Chambers, Adam Street, Adelphi ; official as- signee, Edwards, Sambrook Court. GEORGE JOSEPH GREEN, Birmingham, glass-manufacturer, July 14, Aug. 6: solicitors, Motteram and Knight, Birmingham ; official assignee. Whitmore, Bir- mingham.

THOMAS GOOLD, Birmingham, military-ornament-manufacturer, July 12, 31: so- licitors, Wallington and Wright, Leamington ; Motteram and Knight, Birmingham ; official assignee, Whitmore, Birmingham. WILLIAX TTSON, Liverpool, corn-dealer, July 14, Aug. 11: solicitor, Dodd, Liver- pool ; official assignee, Cazenove, Liverpool. Dividends.-July 22, Inhersole, Sawbridgeworth, Hertfordshire, brewer-July 23, Hawthorn, Lisle Street, Leicester Square, shoe-mercer-July 22, Purdy, Great Yarmouth, wine-merchant--July 22, Tickell, Mark Lane, brewer-July 25, .1. and T. Monk, Prince's End, Tipton, Staffordshire, boiler-makers-July 24, Sewell and Pattinson, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, chemists-July 21, Holmes, Bradford, Yorkshire, worsted-spinner-July 21, Hammond, Leeds, flax-spinner-July 30, Moore, Hull, joiner. Certificates to be granted unless cause be shown to the contrary on the day of tneeting.-July 23, Aspin junior, Stoney Lane, carrier-July, 22, Sniffier and Alger, Inworth, C,oggeshall, Essex, steam-engine-makers--July 24, Watson, Carlisle, cur- rier-July 24, Jones, Liverpool, merchant-July 24, Williams, Wolverhampton, paper-dealer-July 24, Davies, Shrewsbury, printer-July 24, Shirley, Hedensford, Staffordshire, livery-stable-keeper-July 29, Stevenson, Leicester, butcher-July 29, Hopkinson, Nottingham, dealer-July 28, Johnson, York, furniture-broker- July 30, Jenkinson, Hull, china-dealer-Aug. 6, B. and H. Casson, Hull, tanners. .claratitms of .Dividends.-Mottershead, Macclesfield. builder ; first div. of 18. 5d. July 15, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Fraser, Manchester-Wilson, Hull, atone-mason; final div. of 31d. any Thursday ; Carrick, Hull-Squire, Hull, mer- chant; first div. of 20*. on the separate estate, any Thursday ; Carrick, Hull- Vause, Hull, merchant ; first div. of 188. 3d. on the separate estate, any Thursday ; Carrick, Hull.

Scotch Sequestrations.-M•Gibbon, Glasgow, miller, July 9-Little, Glasgow, inonnonger, July 15-Macfarlane, Perth, commission-agent, July 10.


Partnerships Dissolred.-W. and A. Morris,. Halifax, worsted-spinners-Mann and Co. Halifax, brick-makers--Kirk and Furnurs, Liverpool, merchants-Day and Blomfield, Chimney Mills, Suffolk, corn-millers-Beveridge and Co. Preston, iron- founders-Monies and Simpson, Manchester, commission-agents-Scott and Ste- vens, Manchester, commission-agents-Bignell and Bryer, Great Windmill Street- Peckover and Ferrand, Bradford, York, wool-merchants ; as far as regards B. Per- rand-Brewer and Walton, Liverpool, merchants-Adams and Co. Leicester Square, drapers-Montgomery and Co. Great Winchester Street-Moore and Co. Sunder- land, butchers-Walker and Co. Wolverhampton, cut-nail-manufacturers--Branker and Co. Liverpool, stock-brokers-Misses Parrys' Breakneck Place, CarodeneTown, milliners ; as far as regards J. Parry-Basely and Co. Newcastle-upon-Tyne. grocers -aiming and Basset, Mortimer Street, auctioneers-Crook and Watson, Preston, cotton-cloth-manufacturers-Codd and Wills, Plymouth, auctioneers-Blackburn and Co. King Street, Cheapside, woollen-factors-Whitfeld and Paine, Ashford, surgeons-Miles and Thomas, Stroud, grocers-Barber and Worthington. Manches- ter, contractors-Neilson and Co. Liverpool, stock-brokers-Allen and Co. Plough Court, Lombard Street, chemists ; by the retirement of J. T. Barry-Levy and Co. London Wall, merchants-Morison and Skafte, Liverpool, ship-chandlers-Gill and Waddington, Barnsley, dyers--Clegg and Imray. Liverpool, brokers-Michell and West, Tavistock, surgeons-Coulston and Co. Boweram and Lancaster, tanners.

Bankrupts.-Jonn Hrwirr junior, If alvergate, Norfolk, miller, to surrender July 11, Aug. 15: solicitors, Lawrence and Co. Old Jewry Chambers ; official assig- nee, Carman, Aldennanbury. WILLum Waal:so, Crown Street, Walworth Road, chemist, July 16, Aug. 12: so- licitor, Rogers, Fenchurch Street ; official assignee, Stansfeld, Basinghall Street.

HENRY BLcs, St. Leonards-on-Sea, linen-draper, July 14, Aug. 12: solicitors, Langhrun, Bartlett's Buildings., official assignee, Edwards, Sambrook Court. JULIUS ROBERTs, Poplar, engineer, July 14, Aug. 12: solicitor, Wyatt, Verulam Buildings, Gray's Inn ; official assignee, Lee, Aldermanbury. STEPHEN Maaonrrs, Birmingham, victualler, July 18, Aug. 8: solicitors, Hodg- e= and Allen, Birmin' gham official assignee, Christie, Birmingham. Joint BRINDLKY, Chester, brick-maker, July 15, Aug. 12: solicitors, Evans and Son, Liverpool ; official assignee, Cazenove, Liverpool. EDWARD GEz, Blackrod, Wigan, coal-dealer, July 15, Aug. 19.: solicitor, Darling- ton, Wigan ; official assignee, Poll, Manchester. Wn.LLtm HARRop, Bmgley, Yorkshire, stuff-manufacturer, July_ardruf."11 : solicitors, Itawson and Co. Bradford ; Bond and Barwick, Leek official assignee,

Hope, Leeds. • y W

JOSHUA CLAYTON, Bradford, Yorkshire, commis rrig-e-nt, July 22, Aug. 21: so- licitors, Bentle and and Cudworth, ; official assig- nee, Hope, Leeds.

Dividends. ug. 15, Owen, Salford, baker-July 31, Cruse, Glastonbury, auc- tioneer Iy26, Plimsoll, Sheffield, coal-merchant-July 26, Clayton and Crookes, d, grocers-July 25, DI'Kinnell and Smith, Liverpool, and Huyton Quarry, manufacturers of waterproof-fabrics-July 25, Rennie and Co. Liverpool, ship- wri hts-July 25, Christian, Liverpool, ship-broker.

Orates to be granted unless cause be shown to the contrary on the day of 'nee:inv.-July 25, Giscard, King's Lynn, cabinet-maker-July 25, Broers, East India Chambers, Leadenhall Street, metal-merchant-July 25, Frost, Wimborne Minster, inn-keeper--July 25, Wise, St. Martin's Court, Ludgate Hill, fishmonger- August 5, Davis, Merthyr Tydvil, general-shopkeeper-July 25, Hyde, Stockport, spindle-maker-July 25, Roberts, Holyhead, ship-builder-July 28, Hill, Cleobury Mortimer, Salop, timber-merchant-July 28, Jones, Whiteburch, scrivener. Declarations of Dioidends.-Byles, Gosport ; first div. of 6d. Oct. 2, or any sub- sequent Tuesday ; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-L. A. and W. Bardgett, Old Broad Street, merchants ; fourth div. of 11d, and div. of 20s. on the separate estate of L. Alexander, Oct. 2, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers- Doddington, Aldersgate Street, manufacturer of lace falls ; second div. of lid. Oct. 2, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-Goldsmith, Queen Street, Cheapside, merchant ; second div. of Is. 64. Oct. 2, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-Wyatt, Aldermanbury, stationer ; first div. of 3s. 44. on the separate estate, Oct. 2, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Pen- nell, Guildhall Chambers-Fairweather, Norwich, upholsterer ; first div. of Is. 104. Oct. 2, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-Homersham, Russell Street, Bermondsey, wool-stapler ; third div. of 21d. Oct. 2, or any subse- quent Tuesday ; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-Overbury, Frederick's Place, Old Jewry, woollen-warehouseman; second div. of 18. 64. Oct. 2, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-Bavin, Wisbeach, Cambridge, draper ; fourth div. of Td. Oct. 2. or any subsequent Tuesday ; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers- Chapman, Boughton 3falherbe, Kent ; third div. of 94. Oct. 2, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-Maude, Nicholas Lane, Lombard Street, and elsewhere, wharfingers • first div. of 2s. 104. Oct. 2, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-Turner, Ludgate Hill and Birmingham, draper ; first div. of 5s. 94. Thursday next, and three following Thursdays ; Graham, Coleman Street-Hale, Ware, fellmonger ; first div. of 84. Thursday, next, and three following Thursdays ; Graham, Coleman Street-Frasi, Pembroke 'Wharf, Caledonian Road, and Golden Lane, iron-founder ; first div. of 84. Thursday next, and three following Thursdays ; Graham, Coleman Street-Block, Bucklersbury, wine-merchant ; second div. of 2.8. 8d. Thursday next, and three following Thursdays ; Graham, Coleman Street-Maybery, Earl's Court, Old Brompton, boarding-housekeeper ; first div. of 2s. 24. any 'Wednesday ; Whitmore, Basingball Street-West, Fleet Street, and St. James's Walk, Clerkenwell, bookseller ; third div. of 2Id. any Wed- nesday; Whitmore, Basinghall Street-Perkins, Wamford Court, Throgmorton Street, stock-broker ; first div. of 98. 64. and first div. of Vs. 8d. on the joint estate of Perkins and Son, any Wednesday; Whitmore, Basinghall Street-Bridge jun. Warn- borough, butcher ; second div. of 214. any Wednesday ; Whitmore, Basinghall Street Thomas, Catherine Street, Strand, publisher ; first div. of ls. 104. any Wednesday ; Whitmore, Basinghall Street-Room, Birmingham, metallic-bedstead-manufactu- rer second div. of ls. 64. any Thursday ; Christie, Birmingham-Fisher, Stratford- upon-Avon, grocer ; first div. of Ils. 84. on Thursday next, or any subsequent Thursday ; Christie, Birmingham-Best, South Shields, spirit-merchant ; first div. of 18. 74. any Saturday ; Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne-Brockett, Newcastle-upon- Tyne and Whickham, money-scrivener ; second div. of 214. in addition to Is. pre- viously declared, any Saturday ; Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne-Tregenza, Stock- ton-upon-Tees, shoe-dealer ; second div. of 2d. in addition to 28, previously de- clared, any Saturday ; Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne-Ward, Harrington, Cumber- land, alkali-manufacturer ; first div. of 91d. on new proofs, being part of former div. of lrt. 64. previously declared, by creditors who have proved since 23d Nov. 1855, any Saturday ; Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne-Holmes, Sunderland, timber-mer- chant ; third and final div. of ls. 54. on the separate estate, in addition to the 178. 6d, previously declared, any Saturday ; Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne-Dove, Darling-. ton, tanner ; third and finaldiv. of 5 3-5d. in addition to Is. Rd. previously declared, any Saturday ; Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne-Carlton, Darlington, coach-manu- facturer ; third and final div. of 214. in addition to 38. 8d. previously declared, any Saturday ; Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Scotch Sequestrations.-Keay junior, Perth, jeweller, July 11-Christie, lain, wine-merchant, July 16-Armstrong, Castle Douglas, grocer, July 16.