cyt Court. Trim QUEEN gave a state concert at Buckingham
Palace on 'Wednesday. A large and distinguished company were invited. The chief incident in the Court diary, however, is the arrival of the King of the Belgians. His Majesty, accompanied Vy the Princess Charlotte and the Count de Flandres, arrived at Buckingham Palace on Tuesday. Prinee Frederick William of Prussia took leave of her Idujesty on Saturday, on his return to Prussia.
The Queen and her new guests have driven out in the Park, and have attended the Lyceum. Prince Albert has taken Prince Oscar of Sweden to see the gun-factory at Enfield.
The Countess de Neuilly, and the French Princes with their wives, have called upon the King of the Belgians at Buckingham Palace. The list of Court guests includes the Earl of Harrowby, the Austrian Minister, Sir Benjamin and Lady Hall, and Mr. Horsman. Last night the Queen and Prince Albert attended a ball given by the Duchess of Gloucester at her residence. Prince Oscar of Sweden was one of the party.