Pocket Lexicon and Concordance to the Temple Shakespeare. Prepared by
Marian Edwards. (J. M. Dent and Co. 2s. 6d. net.) —This very useful volume appropriately finishes a notably convenient edition. It does not pretend to be a complete Con- cordance. Such a book would require at least a Brobdingnagian pocket. But it is a complete glossary, and it is a glossary that the general reader wants. Every unusual word, or word employed in an unusual sense, is recorded and explained, the Concordance element coming in the references to the places where it may be found. So we have the word "argument." First comes the explanation,—" subject; object ; theme ; reason ; 'matter in question." This is followed by the references, numbering twenty-six, arranged according to the meaning which they bear. So " object " is illustrated by "Thou wilt prove a notable argument,"—i.e., object of ridicule (Much Ado About Nothing, I., i., 258). It should be noted that where the meaning is doubtful the authority is given, various readings are furnished where needed, and there are some authentic illustrations. The greatest praise is due to the industry and care of the compiler.