Mr. George Meredith.
rTo THE EDITOR Or TIM “BrxcrAvou.") SIR,—About twenty years ago I wrote to Mr, Meredith asking for a little light upon "Time Shaving of Shagpat." He was good enough to send the......
Economic Sophisms.
[To THE EDITOR Or TUE "SPECTATOR."] Sia,—You hardly do yourself justice when you prefer the words of Bastiat to your own to state the case of Free-trade at the present day, but......
America, And The Command Of The Sea., [to Tier Editor
Or THU °sr ICOrl.TOU.."] Sin,—So you think the United States should 'sympathise with Great Britain rather than with Germany in any conflict of these two Powers for naval......
Notice.—when Articles Or "correspondence" Are Signed With...
or initials, or wits a pseudonym, or are marked " Communicated," the Editor must not necessarily be held to be in agreement with the views therein expressed or with the mode of......
THE CONDITION OF ENGLAND.* Tilts is the day of searohings of heart. All the Western countries in which civilisation lute run longest are asking them- selves whither they are......
[to Ts. Editor Of Tru ''sprotator.") St,il,does Not The...
from George Meredith quoted in last week's Spectator by "M. A. C." refer to Madame de Stael'a well-known saying: "L'esprit humain fait progres toujours; mais &est progres en......
Magpies In London.
[To VIZ EDITOR or TUN " SPROTATOR.1 SIR,—There is a magpies' nest in a blank poplar tree in the Green Park, close to Piccadilly, and almost opposite the Junior Athenaeum Club. I......
THANKSGIVING. ALTHOUGH in beauty's gleaming pride A maid be fortunate to hide Her shallowness of fancy, I'll wish for you no fairer face To overlay your choicer grace, My......