5 JUNE 1909, page 19

[to Tue Editor Of The "spectator."] Sra,—in The...

and correspondence which have appeared in your columns on this subject I do not observe any mention of the guidance given to his clergy, both in the diocese of Peterborough and......

[to The Editor Of The "spectator.") Wrote To A Clergyman

of authority as to the practice in the Church of Ireland in reference to requiring Con- firmation prior to admission to Communion. I enclose his. reply, which I think will be of......

[to The Editor Of The "spectator. " ] Heb. Vi. 1-2 Six

things, in three pairs, are mentioned as fundamentals, or first principles of Christ. They are Repentance and Faith, Baptism and the Laying on of sands, Resurrection and......

Economic Sophisms.

[To THE EDITOR Or TUE "SPECTATOR."] Sia,—You hardly do yourself justice when you prefer the words of Bastiat to your own to state the case of Free-trade at the present day, but......

[to Tem Editor Op Thu "speotator."]

Sra,—The contention that the Church of England has no rules and no discipline, which the Warden of Radley regards as assuredly tending to alienate supporters of the principle of......

Deceased Wife's Sister.

[To THE EDITOR ON THE "SPECTATOR."] SIn,—In your issue of May 22nd you express the opinion that the decision in the case "Rex v. Dibdin " "is as sound in law as in policy, and......

[to Ten Editor Or Tem "spectator."] Sin,—to Refuse To Admit

a baptised Christian to Holy Communion is a serious thing ; to withdraw admission after twelve years of usage intensifies the seriousness, and your correspondent of May 22nd may......

[to The Editor Op The "spectator."] Sir,—one Feels The...

responsibility undertaken by the parish priest when he places any obstacles in the way of good-living people who desire to come to the Holy Sacrament. The term " good-living "......