5 JUNE 1909, page 16

[to Thu Ellrr011, Op Till "senate:roe-1

SIR,—Would you oblige by stating in your promised article on Confirmation whether the foreign Princes and Princesses who have married into our Royal Family receive an additional......

Lto Thh Niwron Or Tiiii "sprotatoili Silt,—a Good...

in conformity. It may be almost called his characteristic virtue. He recognises that the corporate life of the Church can only be maintained by the sinking of individual tastes......

[to Tor Eorron Or Tub . 8protator:] Si,—the Rigorist...

repels from Communion any who have not been confirmed, seems wanting in the historical perspective. What might have been feasible when the rubrics on which the rigorists take......

(to Tur Editor Or Tun "spectator."] Sin,—it Is Difficult, If

one has the most glimmering sense of humour, to repress a smile at the excitement shown by some of your clerical correspondents lest their rights as excom- municators of......

Rto Tim Editor Or Tue "brectator."1 Sin,—it Is Very...

for me adequately to express my amazement at the tone of several of the letters arising out of "E. M. L's" letter in your columns. The withholding of the right to Communion from......

[to The Editor Or Thin "spectator...1 Sir,—i Have Only Just

seen the letter signed "B. M. L." in your issue of May 22nd, with your comments upon it in a leading article, and ask your leave to say something on the other side lest it go by......