The Democrat, in its issue of Friday, February 25th, called
attention to a striking instance of employees asking for a reduc- tion in wages. This happened in the firm of Messrs. Robert Williams and Sons, embossers, finishers, and waterers of Chats- worth Mills, Gorton. The workers requested that their wages should be reduced by 10 per cent., as they recognized that " the present high cost of living is mainly due to the very high cost of production." They expressed a hope that " our example will become contagious in other trades as well as our own, and the result will then be a lowering in the cost of living and consequent increase in purchasing power." The employers accepted the offer. This was the first voluntary and genuine effort we have heard of by workers to stop the disheartening pursuit of wages after prices round and round the vicious circle. It is an admir- able example of taking the long view.