Collapse Of The Export Trade In Coal. Ao The Editor
or THE "SPECTATOR. "] . SIR, -- s Mr. Hodges, Secretary of the Miners' Federation, speak- ing to Durham miners on February 5th, said that the coal industry at present was " in......
The Standard Of Value And The Exchanges. (to The Editor
OF THE " SPECTATOR.") Sts,—When as now, and for the first time in this generation, the reading public is taking seriously the problems of currency and exchange, it is......
Wages And Cost Of Living.
ITO THE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR.") Sts,—Sir W. S. Haldane in his letter urges that we should not put too much of the responsibility for high costs on the work- man, as he......
The Experiments By Reaction—time Instruments And The...
on which they are based were used in normal mental conditions. Since the beginning of the war some psychologists have been very active in employing psycho- analysis—after the......
British Ships And American Coal.
[To THE EDITOR or THE " f3ncraroa."] Sta,—I have just arrived in England from New Zealand, and at Norfolk (Virginia), where our ship called for coal, I was interested to learn......
A Fixed Easter.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPEC? ATM." S IR, —With Lord Desborough's grievance we must unani- mously sympathize, but I venture to think that his proposed remedy would involve more......