5 MARCH 1921, page 14

The Plumage Bill.

(To THE EDITOR. OF THE " SPECTATOR.") SIR, — Mr. Massingham's wilderness of words in his last letter is designed to evade the categorical points on which I challenged him in......

Problems Of Zionism.

[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR.") Sia,—In your issue of February 5th you were good enough to allow me to point out that Mr. Israel Zangwill's allegation that Palestine was......

" Non-co-operation" Volunteers In India. [to The Editor...

" SPECTATOR."] SIE,—May I draw the attention of your readers to a grave and dangerous development of the plans of the " Non-co-opera- tionists " in India, and the threat it......

" The Chronology Of The War." (to. The Editor Of

.THE " &PEG-mm."1 Sia,—Might I be allowed, to correct a small error in your kind notice of my Chronology of the War in last week's issue? The work was not " planned and begun at......

Newspapers And Advertisements.

(To THE EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR.") Sin,—It would bo interesting to know how the Journal which Mr. Rushbrooke holds up as a model manages to pay its way without advertisements.......

A Family House For Oversea Britons. [to The. Editor Op

THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR.—It too often happens that when British parents from over- seas bring their children " Home" the ordinary every-day difficulties of suitable......

A Fixed Easter.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPEC? ATM." S IR, —With Lord Desborough's grievance we must unani- mously sympathize, but I venture to think that his proposed remedy would involve more......