5 MARCH 1921, page 2

It Would Be Difficult To Imagine A Speech More Packed

with good sense than that of Mr. Davis. His ridicule of militarism regarded as a safeguard under modem conditions was excellent. So was his examination of the dangers which may......

Mr. J. W. Davis, The Retiring American Ambassador, Was...

at dinner by the Pilgrims last Monday. The loss of Mr. Davis is a cause of profound regret to us all. He has behaved with unfailing wisdom and tact and has shown the highest......

The Council Of The League Of Nations, At Its Meeting

last Saturday, was confronted with a serious difficulty raised by Switzerland. The League is sending small contingents of troops to Vilna to keep order While the inhabitants......

The Labour Party's Decline Was Shown By The Defeat Of

Mr. Ramsay MacDonald in the East Woolwich by-election on Wed- nesday. Captain Gee, V.C., the Coalition Unionist candidate, won the seat by a majority of 683, polling 13,724......

Mr. Churchill Announced Last Saturday That The Colonial...

formed a new department to deal with administration and policy in Palestine, Mesopotamia, and Aden, and with policy in other Arab areas in our sphere of influence. Officers with......

King Nicholas Of Montenegro Died At Antibes On Tuesday. He

was eighty years of age. He succeeded his uncle as Prince of Montenegro in 1860 and assumed the title of King on the fiftieth anniversary of his accession. He was a shrewd......

The New Unemployment Insurance Bm Was Read A Third Time

in the House of Commons on Thursday, February 24th. The Labour Party proposed to increase the weekly allowance for uneMployed men to 40s., but were defeated. Dr. Mac- namara......

We Have Learned To Receive All Reports Of...

Russia with reserve. Nevertheless, it seems to be a fact that there have been risings against the Dictatorship of the Proletariat in both Petrograd and Moscow. One report in the......

A Small Force Of Persian Cossacks Under Riza Khan Entered

Teheran on February 20th, overthrew the feeble Cabinet, and arrested its principal supporters. Riza Khan declared that his purpose was to set up a Government which could defend......

The House Of Commons On Friday, February 25th, Criticized...

severely a further Supplementary Estimate of £485,000 presented by the Office of Works for the accommodation of various departments. Objection was taken in particular to an......

It Is Reported That The Bolsheviks, Who Without...

the Socialist Republic of Georgia, occupied Tiflis at the end of last week, after promoting a " Red " insurrection of the usual kind. The Georgian army dispersed. The Bol-......