THE CAGE BIRD CULT [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]
SIR,—Whilst I am in most heartfelt agreement with the splendid letter of Mr. S. M. G. Gravener in your issue of 26th ult., I should like to point out that the Bird Protection Set of 1925 does give possibilities of mitigating the Sufferings of caged wild birds, and of making it increasingly difficult for trappers to catch them without themselves being caught! What is now needed is a determined group of workers in every town and village in England to see that the existing law is actually enforced, and to educate public opinion against this cruelty.
If any of your readers arc willing to join the ever-growint band of workers against caging, they can do a great service by (1) Looking out for infringernentS of the existing law as h: trapping with decoys and bird-lime, and keeping birds in illegal cages, and reporting such infringements to the
or to the police ; (2) Working in various ways ter influence public opinion against this cruelty, by constantly bringing the subject forward, and by getting posters exhibited and literature broadcast especially in schools, clubs, and in- stitutes. Teachers are increasingly desirous of teaching their classes to be considerate and gentle with animals mid birds, and welcome illustrated literature.
I shall be pleased to give posters and leaflets, as well as information to any readers of the Spectator who will kip in this campaign. At the same time we must work increasingly for the entire prohibition of the catching and caging of British wild birds, on the lines of an Act as suggested by Mr. S. M. C. C ravener.
Your correspondent Mr. E. W. Heady quotes the line "We think caged birds sing when indeed they cry." With spring in the air, what a tragic appeal is coming to us from hundreds of thousands of captives all over the land, hanging in sawn cages on dismal walls, bereft of the natural gay, busy honey moon of the spring—lonely and hopeless. Let them not erg in vain I am, Sir, &e., MARGARET BRADISI1,.
Ilan. Treasurer, li.S.P.C.A. Caged Bird Poster Ft I• 95 Park Road, Chiswick, W. 4.