• Uncorroborated Police Evidence Ito The Editor Of The...
Sin,-- Mr. Gardner's letter on uncorroborated police evidence raises an issue which in these days may become vital to any man who remains in the neighbourhood of Leicester......
[to The Editor Of The Srecr.vron.]
Sin.— With reference to your article on " Preserving England." I should like to call your attention to the matter of Tintagel. Cornwall. Tintagel is a slate country, and the......
Preserving England [to The Editor Of The Spectator.] Sin....
I add a few points to your article on " Preserving England " ? The urgent need for houses could be better met I'S Properly laid-out plans and well-designed dwelling places than......
Can American Prosperity Last ?
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,--A recent article in the Spectator, entitled Can American Prosperity Last ?" seems to attribute the prosperity now existing in America......
A Free Churchman On Prayer Book Revision [to The Editor
of the SPECTATOR.] Sin. Permit me to thank you sincerely for publishing- the Rev. Harold - E. Brierley's lucid and well-balanced opinion on the Composite Prayer Book. He has......
The Pleasures Of Retirement [to The Editor Of The...
Slit. May I point out that " M.S.," in his letter which appears on the above subject in your issue of February 12th, misses one aspect of the question ? He carefully points out......