5 MARCH 1927, page 17

The Number Seven [to The Edithr Of The Sem-ta - Roll.]

Sta.—Your correspondent suggests that we " retrace the de- velopments of the interest in the number seven to its origin in the Astrology of Babylon." But we can retrace this......

• Eclipses And Planetaria [to The Editor Of The Spectator.]

SIR, —It has been said by a British astronomer that hundreds of years before the Christian Era there were men, both in Egypt and Chaldea, who " possessed more accurate knowledge......

The Canadian Flag [to The Editor Of The Spectator.]

Sin, — In a letter headed " The Canadian Flag " appearing in your issue of January 8th, 1927, Mr. Harry Baldwin writes "Canada has no national flag ... the so-called Canadian......

National Lack Of Thrift [to The Editor Of The Spectator.]

' SIR,- -- All readers of your r6sume of the Colwyn report moist Ire struck by the serious, disquieting; but not surprising, fact of the decrease in the savings of the country.......

[to The Editor Of The Spectator.] Sir.-- Lao-tze Was A

Chinese born sonic fifty years before the time of Confucius. who takes high rank as a profound and original thinker. In these days of " mothering " govern- ments. the following......

The Stourbridge Election And Its Lesson [to The Editor Of

the SPECTATOR.] SIR. — Yet - another Unionist seat has been lost, and for the old fatuous reason—the hopeless candidature of a Liberal. Altogether, 22,987 votes were cast for......