A Press Association Telegram Gives The First Details Of What
happened at Hangchow' just before its occupation by the Cantonese. The northern soldiers when making ready to abandon the city demanded money from the Chamber of • Commeree.•......
The Times Correspondent Says That The Moderates View With...
disfavour the domination 01 Borodin, who is now practically a dictator at Hankow. The Cantonese General, Chiang Kai-shek, is said to have quarrelled with Gallents, the Russian......
The Consultations Between These Former Rivals Are...
characteristic of Chinese warfare. Consultations about the disposition of troops arc, how- ever, only a slighter aspect of a much wider movement which is reported by the......
The Northern Commanders Are All Speaking Fair To...
it need not be thought that . the defeat of the Cantonese would be an advantage either for China or for foreigners. Chang Tso-lin was a brigand in his youth and, in spite of his......
News Of The Week
THE news from China is more confused and scantier -I- than usual. The Times - correspondent says that Sun Chuan-fang was not pursued during his retreat from Chekiang and that he......
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London, W.C. 2.—A Subscripiioa to the SPECTATOR costs Thirty Shillings per annum, including postage, to any part of the trwhl. The SPECTATOR i8 registered as a Newspaper. The......