This same view with regard to impaired travel power . .
is equally emphasized by Lord Ashfield at the meeting of
el. nderground group of Railways, which includes the London anal Omnibus Company. The company had, said Lord chtield, been adversely affected by restriction in general tiding power as a consequence of last year's industrial heaval. Incidentally, Lord Ashfleld demonstrated very rIv the advantage accruing to the stockholders of his group the arrangement for the pooling of results, so that whereas ring the past year most-companies connected with transport ve had to suffer a severe diminution in diVidends, there was etically no change in the distribution by this particular up owing, mainly, to the large receipts froin the L.G.O. mime; The main point of Lord Aslifield's Speech, how- er, and one which commanded sympathy and approval in the y. was his- plea. for greater encouragement -to capital harked in enterprises concerned with transport and general lity schemes. During the'Past Year, notwithstanding the at expansion in the company's mileage in connexion with e opening up of the extended route from Edgware to :Borden, ere was no proportionate increase in the traffic owing to the at losses sustained by the general strike and the coal ppage, while in addition to these handicaps the railway apanies were, he maintained, being unduly hit by the rdens of taxation.