It was announced early in the week, that the long-expected
ratification by Russia of the Treaty of the Twenty-four Articles was at length on its way to England. It has arrived, and yester- day it was formally exchanged. As far as his Allies are con- cerned, LEOPOLD is therefore a free and independent Sovereign,— for the reservations concern not his whole kingdom, but only the Duchy of Luxembourg. In the mean time, there seems no pros- pect of an approach to arrangement with Holland; and indeed, that power, if we may believe the language of its friends, seems capable, without actual warfare, of rendering nugatory all the advantages which the treaty may be supposed to confer. They can stop up the Scheldt—they can destroy Antwerp—they can lay Flanders under water, without violation of their neutrality even. Whether they will do so or not, remains to be seen.
M. THORN is still detained. LEOPOLD, the Brussels journals say, has demanded a splendid reparation. NAPOLEON would have sent a couple of troops of cavalry over the border, and seized the first twenty fat Dutchmen lie could lay his hands on, and then demanded the restitution of M. THORN and a splendid compensa- tion.