There Is A Design At Present Entertained Of A General
Congress of the Princes of Germany, to meet at Berlin, for the purpose of deliberating on the internal affairs of the Empire. The subject to which their deliberations are......
The Only Novelty In The Importations From France During The
week, is a rising at Marseilles, of the extent of which we are but imperfectly informed. It was made known to the public of Lon- don on Thursday by the Standard, which contrives......
It Was Announced Early In The Week, That The Long-expected
ratification by Russia of the Treaty of the Twenty-four Articles was at length on its way to England. It has arrived, and yester- day it was formally exchanged. As far as his......
Don Miguel Has Issued A Decree, Dated 15th March, Depriving
the Baron DE Qui NTEL L A of his title, and of all grants and favours previously conferred on him, for refusing to pay 24 contos of rein, part of the 1,200 contos, ordered to be......
News Of The Week.
Con and MAGOG—the " Dear Duke" and the " Big Duke—are busy mustering their forces for the great battle of Monday. The People are resolved and ready. Every thing bespeaks an......