The Fifth Volume Of Byron's _life And Works, Brings Down ,,
the Memoirs to 1822. It is embellished with a brilliant view by TUER, of the picturesque Church of Santa Maria della Spina; which; with its spires and pointed gables, has a......
5. Mr. Valpy Has Added The First Five Books Of
Livy to his School and Classical Library. The volume is somewhat too dear; though we appreciate the trouble and pains taken with the Eng- lish notes.......
H. B. Flatters The Duke Of Wellington In Every Possible
way but one —be always makes him look ludicrously silly. Here is John Bull as Midas, Lord Grey as Pan, and the " Dear Duke" as Apollo ! In " The reverse of a Sovereign"—a design......
15. The Law Magazine, Or Quarterly Review Of...
XVI. has just been put into our hands, and reminds us of a duty we owe to that work. The Law Magazine deserves to be recommended as an industrious and enlightened periodical. It......
Gravity Of Countenance No Proof Of Weight Of Character.—
A man may have the gravity of an elephant, without the merit of a mouse ; and perhaps it is the purest spirit which, like the finest dine, lets the light shine through it.—......
6. Population Returns, Arranged By Mr. Gorton. The Topo-...
is a useful compendium of all the towns and parishes in Great Britain, with the population of each. The Population Re- - turn is that of 1831. With this isliven the annual value......
13. A Queer Book, By The Ettrick Shepherd, Is A
quackish title to a, volume• of Poems by the interminable Mr. HOGG, who has traded now so many years on the fact of his having been an Ettrick Shepherd's boy. The book is no......
Pictures And Artists.
• ILLUSTRATIONS OF BYRON. As embellishments to a beautiful edition of Byron's works, designed to aid the attractions of fine typography and costly binding in producing a......
10. The Emigrant's Pocket Companion Is A Useful Book, On
a useful plan. We wish, however, that the author had made more of his space: there is too much lost in proving what emigration is, who should be emigrants, and where emigrants......
8. The Account Of The Life, Lectures, And Writings, Of
Dr. Cul- len, by Dr. Joins THOMSON, is a work of importance, of which only the first volume is published. This biography is in fact the history of medical science during the......
Fraser Gives Us This Month An Amusing And Spirited Sketch
of a group of Fellows of the Antiquarian Society. In one corner, the burly figure and obtuse look of Jerdan is contrasted with the dapper form and sensitive placidity of Crofton......
4. The Microscopic Cabinet Of Select Animated Objects, By...
PRITCHARD, is an exceedingly curious and interesting work, which we shall report upon more at length in an early Number. The plates are marvellous; but we are somewhat......
9. Faust's Catechism Of Health Is A Useful Guide, Not
for vale- tudinarians, but for youth, and ought to be adopted as a text-book in all systems of education. The knowledge it contains, if fami- liarly but strongly impressed upon......
Another And More Comprehensive Series Of Portraits Of The...
men of all times and nations, is announced by the Society for the Dif- fusion of Useful Knowledge ; and from the specimens we have seen, they will present other claims besides......
National Portrait Gallery.
The completion of the Third Volume of this popular series of Portraits of distinguished Persons of the Nineteenth Century, and the appearance of the first number of the Fourth......
11. Lectures On The Coinage Of The Greeks And Romans,—de-
livered in the University of Oxford, by Dr. EDWARD CARDWELL, —is an important adjunct to history. The investigations are very ingenious; and perhaps no previous author has so......
3. Mr. Loudon, In Addition To The Many Other Useful
works he is carrying on, is publishing, in numbers, an Encyclopedia of Cottage, Farm, and Villa Architecture, adapted to the temperate regions of both hemispheres. It is a book......
4. Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopedia Has Just Added To Its Very
ample stores, the History of Spain and Portugal, Volumes L and II. They appear deserving of an attention which at this moment we cannot give.......
12. St. John In Patmos, "a Poem, By One Of
the Oldest Living Poets of Great Britain," has been produced by a passage in a late Edinburgh Review. The author has been induced to show that his ancient harp is not yet......
7. Volume Xi. Of Roscoe's Novelist Library Is Composed Of
the first part of Tristram Shandy, with some plates of CRUIK- SHANK. In the one of Obadiah introducing Dr. Slop, GEORGE has renewed his youth.......
Eastavetr.—the Name Of The Author Of The S Ystematic...
the Oesders of French House, noticed in our last /Number, i s THYROAR. not THING/La. We correct the misprint, chiefly that Mr. Tioraoan may have due honour from thcsetib whom......