5 MAY 1832, Page 21

Fraser gives us this month an amusing and spirited sketch

of a group of Fellows of the Antiquarian Society. In one corner, the burly figure and obtuse look of Jerdan is contrasted with the dapper form and sensitive placidity of Crofton Croker—a wren beside a bustard. On the other side D'Israeli, Hallam, and Lord Aberdeen appear.

The Ladies' Magazines are profuse in their pictorial attractions. La Belle Assemblie has a finely engraved portrait of the Honourable Mrs. Howard, by DAVIS; the Ladies' Museum, a slight sketch (which it terms a superb portrait) of Mrs. Butler Danvers ; and the Royal Lady's Magazine, an engraving from a French print called "The Exile's Grave ;" in addition to Flowers, Music, and the Fashions. The Comic Maga- zine caters most industriously for its readers : its jokes, puns, and graphic drolleries, are at least ingenious.