Co Court.
Their Majesties came to town on Wednesday ; they arrived at St. James's Palace about one o'clock. At two, the King held a Levee After the Levee, his Majesty held a Privy......
Don Miguel Has Issued A Decree, Dated 15th March, Depriving
the Baron DE Qui NTEL L A of his title, and of all grants and favours previously conferred on him, for refusing to pay 24 contos of rein, part of the 1,200 contos, ordered to be......
Ma. Iaving.—the Further Consideration Of The"question Of...
took place, according to adjournment, on Wednesday. The Presbytery met at twelve o'clock ; when it was agreed that Mr. Irving should be heard in reply to Mr. Mann, who bad......
Jamaica Papers Have Been Received To The 21st March. The
Assembly commenced its sittings on the 5th. They speak in very determined language respecting the recommendations of Govern- ment— " We observe your Excellency has received his......
Eby Ettophiht National Union. —there Was An Extraordinary...
members of the National Union on Thursday,—Mr. Hume in the chair,—with a view to discuss the propriety of addressing a memorial to the King, praying to take the necessary......