The Birmingham Meeting on Monday, if the weather prove pro- pitious, is expected to exceed any former demonstration of public opinion made by the zealous and active Reformers of that Reforming community. Thirty Political Unions of neighbouring towns are ex- pected to attend; and the amount of reaction, we have no doubt, will be sensibly ascertained. The meeting will take place in the open air, and probably upwards of a hundred thousand persons will attend. We have no doubt that the utmost order and moderation—seasoned, how- ever, with plain speaking and determination—will prevail. The people of Sheffield meet also on Monday. The Courant and Advertiser of that town says—" The requisition is more numerously and respectably signed, than any which has ever been presented to a public man in Sheffield. It contains, too, the names of individuals who have never been accustomed to connect themselves with political meet- ings. These, it may be presumed, now see the necessity of a decided and vigorous effort to settle the great question of Reform."