The private correspondent of the Times gives the following curious
anecdote. The Conservatives are everywhere alike-
" I attended the obsequies of M. de Chatmelin, and observed some young men in gray Inds (the badge of the Moderates among Les Amis du Pcuplc), and the intermediate shade between the black cap and the red bouziugot. These young men, I say, cried out, as they contemplated the coffin, • Ali l that it had been M. Perier's P A moment after, a fair man, badly dressed, • stopped near one of them, and handed him a printed paper. This was no other than a number of the Rerenant, an infamous quotidian vehicle for libels ; and the hawker, under his mean costume, concealed a man of title, in the enjoyment of mom than 100,000 livres of mutes 1"