May 2.—This day being the first day of F.aster Term. the following degrees were con- ferred. Magfers of Arts—It. C. B. Clayton, Brazennose, Grand Compounder Rev. W. M. K. Itnulford, Magdalen Ball: Rev, C. T. Cary, Magdalen ; Rev. IL J. Morshead, Exeter. Barlult.r qf Arts—W. H. Blossome, Wailbam. In a Convocmi,on held on the, afternoon of :he same day, the Proctors of the preceding year, Messrs. Voyrje and White, laid down the insignia of office, and the new Proctors were admitted by the Vice-Chancellor. Scni,,r Proctor—The Rev. F. Clerke. MA., late Fellow of All Snails. Anita. Frmle,r—The Res-. It. Young, M.A., Fellow of New Col- lege. The Mrmer presented by tine Warden of All Souls, the latter by .1.Eastwick, Fellow of New College. The following Gentlemen were at the same time nominated Pro Proctors—W. Fal- coner, Fellow of Exeter. Rev. .1. Bullock, M.A., Fellow of Worcester: Rev. T. Forster, 5LA., New College ; G. IL M. Ward, M.A., Fellow of Trinity College.
May 4.—The following Gentlemen of Trinity College were yesterday elected Scholars of that society—NV:a:4rd, Barnes, Feachem, Wright, Lawrence. Phelps. Marsh. Steven- so t. Forsyth, Selwyn, Hoare. Westminster Scholars—line. Ellison, Gwilt, White.
W. D. Rangeley and J. N. Peill were recently elected Foundation Fellows of Queen's College.
C. navidson, B.A. of Christ Collette was on Wednesday last eh clad a Fellos of that society, on the foundation of Sir J. Fin alt and Sir T. Baines.