.ORD ROBERT CECIL sailed from New York last 4 Saturday on the conclusion of his tour in the interests of the League of Nations, and will be back in England by the time this week's issue of the Spectator is in its reader's hands. Wherever he has gone he has been received with the utmost cordiality. Few recent English visitors have made a more favourable impression, though how far Lord Robert has advanced the cause of the League in the United States is a matter on which anyone acquainted with the cross-currents of American political controversy would hesitate to express an emphatic opinion. The New York Times believes that he has made many fresh friends for the League, and the New York World thinks that "his speeches have reawakened discussion in world politics." Mr. F. W. Wile, the Washington correspondent of the Sunday Times, on the other hand, implies that Lord Robert is frankly disappointed and found that American criticism was mainly destructive. The League of Nations Union is to give Lord Robert its official welcome on May 15th, when we shall no doubt learn his own conclusions.